Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 3

Tomorrow marks the end of my third week in Cape Town.  Its hard to believe I’ve been here that long.  I still have so much to do!

This past weekend included more braaiing, a trip to the winelands for the Bastille Day Festival in Franschoek, and a day at the beach in Camps Bay. 

The Bastille Day Festival was a good time.  A group of about a dozen of us Connectors attended.  There we were given coupons for five wine tastings from some local wineries that were stationed around the event.  The whole town was full of people in berets and striped shirts and I really felt like I was in a small French town in the mountains.  This was my first time in the winelands surrounding Cape Town and the scenery is amazing!

I’ve been lucky enough to meet some great locals lately and its been fun to hang out with people that live in South Africa.  This is one advantage of living and working in the city for two months, you get to know people you wouldn’t if you were just a tourist. 

Sunday was a beautiful day so we took advantage and relaxed on the beach until sunset.  I took a quick swim, but the water on the Atlantic Seaboard is a little too cold for comfort.  Luckily after jumping in Mirror Lake nothing is too cold.  A man living in Cape Town invited us to his apartment that night so we hung out there before the World Cup.  It was in an amazing location.  Right next to Cape Town Stadium and overlooking the water.

A group of the Americans here with Connect-123 went out to watch the U.S. Women play against Japan in the World Cup Sunday night.  What a disappointment.  Hey, at least I can say I saw the World Cup in South Africa, even though I missed seeing it live by a year.
Unfortunately I had to go back to work on Monday.  Although I like my internship, the weekends are when its really exciting to be in Cape Town.

If you are reading this from back home, stay cool!  It should be in the mid-60s here for the next week.

Roll Tribe.


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